Creating Effects for our Sea Paintings (Year 2)
We have been using sponges, netting, wax and card to add different effects to our sea paintings.

Learning about Onomatopoeia
In English we described an African setting using onomatopoeia for effect.

Celebrating World Book Day (Year 1)
In term 4, we also celebrated world book day. The Koalas all looked amazing in their costumes!

Creating Inuit Pieces (Year1)
In art, we created some Inuit inspired pieces. We could only use primary colours, so we had to learn about colour mixing.

The Arrival of Penguins - but they were stuck in ice! (Year 1)
Term 4 started with the arrival of some very special visitors - penguins! But they were trapped in the ice! The koalas had to be collaborative crocodiles to free their penguins.

Learning about Maps in Georgraphy (Year 1)
In Geography, we were learning about our local area. We went for a walk along the high street and when we got back to the classroom, we created our own maps. We made sure it included symbols and a key!

Learning About Buildings (Year 1)
In Term 3, we were learning all about buildings. We focused on three very famous houses built by little pigs. We acted out the story and performed it during family worship. In Design and technology, we created traps to catch the Big Bad Wolf and they worked! The Big Bad Wolf came to visit us to…

Why are Teddy Bears so Loved? (Year 1)
Our topic has been 'why are teddy bears so loved?'. We held our own teddy bears picnic! The koalas made healthy jelly, sandwiches and even made teddy bear puppets! We had an amazing day.

Amazing Sculptures (Year 1)
Yesterday we made our sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy! Andy Goldsworthy creates sculptures using natural materials. The Koalas planned their design and chose what natural materials they were going to use. They all worked so hard and created some beautiful sculptures
The Gruffalo! (Year 1)
This week we have become authors, writing our own Gruffalo story! We had to create a new monster and describe it - we’ve learnt all about adjectives
Save Our Seas?
We carefully drew an endangered sea creature and put them in our polluted seas. We wrote a a sentence about the effects people have on the sea and went with our posters on a protest march round the school to let others know our important message