WW2 Day (Year 5)
What a fantastic WW2 evacuee day year 5 have had!
We were joined by our first guest; from The Deal History Project, who taught the children lots of new facts about our local area during WW2. Our second guess (Mr Russel) shared a personal love story, which inspired the children to then write a…
WW2 (Year 5)
In Geography the children used maps and play-doh to retrace the steps taken by the Germans and the Allied countries when invading Europe in the first year of WW2.
Learning about the Titanic (Year 5)
Titanic day - The children participated in a debate, to argue who should go on the life boats first, they then researched and created a poster showing facts and statistics. To conclude the day the children drew the Titanic and used Charcoal to show shading.
Investigating Materials (Year 5)
Panda class have been investigating if the given solid is soluble or insoluble. They then though of which independent variable to change and how this could affect the findings.
Our Fledgling Buddies (Year 5)
our Year R Fledgling class loves having a buddy from our Year 5 Panda class. Buddies help each other express our school values. Recently the taught us Maths games as part of NSPCC numbers day. Great collaboration and compassion.
Bold as Brass
Our Year 5 Panda class have been learning to play the trumpet as part of the Deal Bold As Brass project. They have been enjoying their weekly lessons but felt especially privileged when they were visited by a Quintet from Trinity Collage London and Phil the director of Bold as Brass. Pandas are…
Maths Manipulatives (Year 5)
We have kicked off our term 3, year 5 Maths using manipulatives. Our focus is long multiplication and the children have used dienes and place value counters in an area model to help their deeper understanding. We are now securing our understanding on using the column method.
Supporting Our Buddies to Explore Forest School
Earlier in the term Panda Class invited their buddies to join them in Forest School. As always the children’s behaviour was exemplary and Year 5 were fabulous at supporting their buddies explore a new Forest School site. Mrs Harvey and Mrs Prestleton were extremely proud of all the children. Well…
Learning About Forces in Science (Year 5)
Our Science topic this term is; Forces. This week the children have carried out two investigations. The first was designing and making an air resistant costume. Racing in our costumes and recording the times without and with our costume.
Our second investigation was: making a paper helicopter and…
Cricket (Year 5)
During term 1, Panda class have enjoyed 6 weeks of cricket with the wonderful coach (Molly) from A Chance to Shine.
The children have practised their fielding, batting and bowling skills alongside working collaboratively in game scenarios.
Shadows in Science (Year 5)
During Science lessons this week, the children have been investigating shadows. They drew around their friend's shadow at different points during the day and observed how the shadow changed length and position.
The Day the Alien Visited Year 5 (Year 5)
Mysteriously, some children (in year 5) spotted an alien and reported hearing and seeing strange things. They were so inspired and amazed they then wrote a recount of events in the style of a report. Here are some of their recounts after the children have practised their editing skills.